MODSIM Dec 2019

Michalis Hadjikakou Presentation

A meta-model for comprehensive environmental risk assessment of global food system futures

Michalis Hadjikakou Nicholas Bowles Ozge Geyik Mohammad Abdullah Shaikh Brett Bryan

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Short abstract:

The global food system is a key driver of global environmental impact, and has been directly linked to the transgression of specific ecological thresholds or planetary boundaries, especially those of land-system change, climate change, biosphere integrity, biogeochemical flows and freshwater use. A growing number of modelling studies employing a diverse array of forecasting methods and scenario specifications have estimated environmental implications of alternative food futures for a range of business-as-usual (BAU) and alternative intervention scenarios. Our risk assessment meta-model and the accompanying scenario projection database provide a comprehensive resource for considering the relative effectiveness of available interventions across different control variable and planetary boundaries.