Development of socio-economic indicators for the Safe and Just Operating Space
Henry Mance Custodio Brett A Bryan
A Systematic Review to identify gaps in quantifying the global indicators of socio-economic wellbeing necessary to achieve the Safe and Just Operating Space (SJOS) for humanity.
In the continuous pursuit of economic growth and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, governments, academia, multi-lateral development organizations, and other development actors are thereby also pursuing the Safe and Just Operating Space (SJOS) for Humanity. It is therefore useful to identify the specific indicators used for achieving the SJOS, align them with the SDGs, and determine how these indicators were quantified, so that information can be offered for future modelling or adding specific components into existing global models. To do this, a systematic literature review is being conducted on contemporary issues in sustainability such as food and nutrition security and food safety, social and ecological footprints, poverty and environment nexus, climate impacts and vulnerability (including exposure and adaptive capacity), as well as on the indicators of socio-economic wellbeing including measures of social, community and political participation (non-income poverty). This Systematic Review aims to do a detailed process-documentation of the steps involved in identifying the studies, and analyzing the indicators used. In so doing, gaps in quantifying the Socially Just indicators can also be identified, organized and categorized in a meaningful manner so that it can be aligned with different schools of thought used as basis in achieving the Social Foundations of the SJOS.